Professor Mani Shabrang

Professor Mani Shabrang

Head of AI Animation and Visualization

Professor Mani Shabrang is Head of AI Animation and Visualization at New York Institute and Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence (NYILAI). Professor Mani Shabrang is a 30-plus year veteran of the chemical industry with 28 years of it at Dow/Dupont, in Midland, Michigan. He was promoted to the leadership position in data mining, business intelligence, Six Sigma, and commercial analytics operation in the final decade of his career at Dow. Professor Shabrang is presently an adjunct Professor of Chemistry at Santa Ana School District (Santiago Canyon College) as part of California’s public education institutions. He has taught at the State University of New York at Buffalo, New York; Pace University and Iona Catholic University, both in Westchester, New York. Professor Shabrang received his Ph.D. in electrochemistry from State University of New York at Buffalo in the United States, followed by a year of US Air Force research fellowship for the US Air Force. He joined Occidental Petroleum Corporation in Niagara Falls, New York, as a computational analyst for electrochemical and industrial systems. Following retirement and alongside community education in chemistry, computer animation, and virtual reality research for educational purposes, Professor Shabrang serves as a co-principal of Shabrang and Associates Business Analytical Services (SAABAS LLC), founded in Michigan. SAABAS LLC actively provides pharmaceutical regulatory services, data/text mining, educational gaming, and 3D animation from California. Previously, this entity provided quality inspection services in New York state and vicinity for US-made petroleum and chemical industry equipment exports.