Professor Mahmoud Daneshmand is Head of Big Data and Analytics at New York Institute and Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence(NYILAI). Professor Daneshmand is Co-Founder and Professor of Department of Business Intelligence & Analytics as well as the Data Science PhD Program, and Professor of Department of Computer Science at Stevens Institute of Technology in the United States. Professor Daneshmand received his Ph. D and M.S. degrees in Statistics from the University of California, Berkeley, M.S., and B.S. degrees in Mathematics from the University of Tehran. He has more than 40 years of Industry & University experience as Executive Director, Assistant Chief Scientist, Professor, Researcher, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Technology Leader, Founding Chair of Department, and Dean of School at: Bell Laboratories; AT&T Shannon Labs–Research; University of California, Berkeley; University of Texas, Austin; New York University; Sharif University of Technology; University of Tehran; and Stevens Institute of Technology. Professor Daneshmand is a Data Scientist, expert in Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning with extensive industry experience, including with the Bell Laboratories as well as the Info Lab of the AT&T Shannon Labs – Research. He has published more than 300 journal and conference papers; authored/co-authored three books, has graduated more than 2500 PhD and MS students. He holds key leadership roles in IEEE Journal Publications, including IEEE IoT Journal, IEEE Transaction on Big Data; IEEE Major Conferences; Industry-IEEE Partnership; IEEE Future Direction Initiatives, and IEEE AI/ML Initiative for Future Networks. He has served as General Chair, Keynote Chair, Panel Chair, Executive Program Chair, and Technical Program Chair of many IEEE major conferences. He has given many Keynote speeches in major IEEE as well as international conferences.